Sunday, October 6, 2019

In what ways could a researcher manage and organize the data Essay

In what ways could a researcher manage and organize the data - Essay Example Study notes can also be created to summarize the important aspects of the data without perusing the entire data another time. To avert a confusion in organizing data, researchers can develop a method of cataloging that categorizes data in a unique way that the researcher understands (Polit & Beck, 2010). The motive is to ease retrieval of the data and identify any missing information that would be relevant in the analysis section. Loss of data is a common issue in qualitative approaches, thus, cataloguing documents can reduce these losses. The catalogue is then stored in a safe place awaiting analysis. Despite the complexities associated with qualitative data, the above discussion proves that researchers can control and manage qualitative data. An efficient sorting and filing system is all a researcher needs to sort out information, detect missing information and also ease the retrieval of the information for

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